Parish Council 26 June 2019
Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 26th June 2019 at 7.30pm
Village Hall, Hilderstone
- Chairman’s Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting
- Matters arising
- Public Participation
- Borough Councillor’s Report
- County Councillor’s Report
- Planning
- Traffic and Highways
- Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village
- Village Events
- Correspondence
- Finance
- To approve the monthly statement of accounts and payments
- To complete banking forms for additional signatory and online banking.
- To review the amended Asset Register with a view to adoption
- To consider a draft policy for Internal Controls.
- Date of next meeting – 24th July 2019
Hilderstone Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 26th June 2019 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr. Shelley (Chairman), Cllr. Stringer (Vice Chairman), Cllr. Crump, Cllr. P Davies, Cllr. Clark, Cllr. J Davies, Cllr. Woodward, Stafford Borough Cllr. Harp and Mrs Amanda Kingston (Clerk). There were no members of the public or press present.
1. Chairman’s Welcome. Cllr. Shelley welcomed everyone to the meeting. He informed the meeting of the recent deaths of Mr Tim Kitchen and Mr. Bob Phillips. Mr Kitchen and Mr Phillips have contributed greatly to the general tidiness and upkeep of the village for many years. The Parish Council extended their sympathy to both families.
2. Apologies. None
3. Minutes of the last meeting. These were read, approved and signed.
4. Matters arising. None
5. Public Participation. None
6. Borough Councillor’s Report. Stafford Borough Cllr. Harp informed the meeting that there were no key issues to report. Development work in Stafford Town Centre is progressing and the Borough Council are looking to create a new village near Swynnerton.
7. County Councillor’s Report. Cllr. Parry was not in attendance to provide a report.
8. Planning. There were no new planning applications.
Status of Earlier Applications:
19/30438/HOU BankTop Barn, Cresswell Road, Hilderstone, Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 8RF. Single storey rear extension to existing dwelling. Allowed
18/29577/HOU Netherfield 7 Barnes Croft Hilderstone. Conversion of loft space in existing garage to habitable room with toilet facilities plus four roof lights. Re siting existing garden wall to edge of homeowner boundary, retaining existing grassed service strip. Appeal was made to Secretary of State following refusal of planning permission by SBC, the Appeal been refused.
9. Traffic and Highways. The faded road markings at the junction of the B5066 have not been re-painted but should be included with the next round of road markings in the area. The damaged bollards on the buildout outside the Church should be replaced shortly. The bollards on the buildout outside the Roebuck have not yet been allocated a works order. Clerk to follow up.
10. Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village. Concern was raised regarding the overgrown vegetation on footpath 14. It is the responsibility of homeowners who back onto the footpath to ensure hedges bordering their property are well maintained. Clerk to write to the homeowners.
The hedge bordering Priory Cottage is overgrown and preventing safe use of the pavement. Clerk to write to the homeowners.
The Bench on the village green has been removed temporarily for cleaning. It should be replaced shortly.
It was noted that the residents of Eastholme have made a huge effort to ensure their area is well maintained for Best Kept Village. The Parish Council extend their thanks to residents for all their hard work.
11. Village Events.
Forthcoming Events:
Hilderstone Village Fair, Saturday 20th July 2pm to 4pm.
Hilderstone Open Gardens, Tuesday 17th September, 7pm for 7:30, Hilderstone Village Hall
Hilderstone Village Christmas Party, Tuesday 17th December. More details to follow.
12. Correspondence.
• Rural Development Fund – Community Foundation for Staffordshire
• VEDay75 – information regarding events to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May 2020
• Mayor’s invite to Afternoon Tea at Barlaston £19.50 pp
• Request to add link to the local jobcentre on our website
• Stafford Lions Club – Donation request for Prostate Screening Resolved to donate £30
• Members Digest 256
13. Finance. The monthly accounts were presented and signed by the Chairman. The current account is £14105.49 in credit and the deposit account £3126.17 in credit. Although most of these funds are allocated as indicated by the monthly accounts which are circulated to all Councillors prior to each meeting. The following payments were approved:
1. Clerk salary correction payment and expenses – £16.92
2. Weston Ground Maintenance June – 132.65
3. Laptop – £329
4. Admin – £24.95
5. SLCC Annual Subscription – £36.27
6. W H Holmes Village Maintenance – £240
7. J Crump reimbursement for BKV prizes and printing – £26
8. Stone Lions Club Donation £30
As per the resolution made at the meeting on 24th April 2019, the NatWest forms to enable the Clerk to have access to online banking were signed and unanimously approved by all members of the council.
Details were provided for the Clerk to add Cllr. J Davies as a signatory to the Parish Council accounts.
14. Any Other Business. The amended asset register was circulated for discussion. Original purchase costs for the planters are as yet unknown but believed to be purchased in 2009. Clerk to establish purchase cost or mark as unknown with a nominal fee. Resolved to accept the amended Asset Register as an accurate list of Parish Council owned assets. This will be reviewed annually at the May meeting.
A draft policy for Internal Controls previously circulated by the Clerk was discussed. Resolved to formally adopt the Internal Controls Policy and review annually at the May meeting.
The Clerk informed the meeting of the potential implications of the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) no. 2 Accessibility Regulations 2018, which came into force in September 2018. The requirements are likely to result in the need for the Parish Council to purchase a new website in order to ensure compliance. This will be added to the Agenda of the October meeting to be discussed in conjunction with budget setting for 2020-21.
Concern was raised regarding the number of blocked drains in the village. Cllrs. to take pictures where possible, especially if causing standing water and email to the Clerk.
Cllr. J Davies fed back from the most recent Stone Area Parish Liaison Meeting. Key topics include discussions with Stafford Borough Council regarding the planning process and concerns with Smart Car Parking in Stone Town Centre.
15. Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th July 2019 at 7:30pm. The meeting closed at 9.30pm
………………………………………………… Cllr. M. Shelley, Chairman. 24.07.19