Parish Council 24 July 2019
Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 24th July 2019 at 7.30pm
Village Hall, Hilderstone
- Chairman’s Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting
- Matters arising
- Public Participation
- Borough Councillor’s Report
- County Councillor’s Report
- Planning
- 19/30783/LBC at Yew Tree House, Sandon Road, Hilderstone
- Traffic and Highways
- To agree if a speed indicator device should be purchased and installed following receipt of grant funding.
- Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village
- To consider replacement of the bench on the Village Green.
- Tree planting WW1 Memorial
- Village Events
- Correspondence
- Finance
- To approve the monthly statement of accounts and payments
- Date of next meeting – 25th September 2019
Hilderstone Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th July 2019 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr. Shelley (Chairman), Cllr. Stringer (Vice Chairman), Cllr. Crump, Cllr. P Davies, Cllr. Clark, Cllr. J Davies, Cllr. Woodward, Stafford Borough Cllr. Harp and Mrs Amanda Kingston (Clerk). There was one member of the public present.
1. Chairman’s Welcome. Cllr. Shelley welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies. None
3. Minutes of the last meeting. These were read, approved and signed.
4. Matters arising. None
5. Public Participation. Concern was raised regarding the proposed planting of seven trees as a memorial to the seven fallen soldiers from WW1. The member of the public asked for confirmation as to whether there was a need for the memorial and raised concern regarding the potential £500 cost. They also suggested, should the project go ahead, it be made into a community project.
6. Borough Councillor’s Report. Cllr. Harp informed the meeting that the development work in Stafford Town Centre on the Western Bypass and the train station is progressing well. Some discussion was held regarding planning and large housing developments. Cllr. Harp informed the meeting that Stafford Borough Council are now able to have far greater influence over developments following the publication of the local plan.
7. County Councillor’s Report. Cllr. Parry was not in attendance to provide a report but had sent an email requesting information on problem drains. A discussion was held regarding blocked drains and gullies, Clerk to feedback hotspots. Cllrs. to provide photos and exact locations to the Clerk.
8. Planning. 19/30783/LBC at Yew Tree House, Sandon Road, Hilderstone. Non material amendment to 18/29810/LBC. The Parish Council have no objections to the application.
The Church have submitted plans to SBC Planning to internally redesign part of the church building, providing a toilet and tea bar. A septic tank system will be installed in the grounds.
9. Traffic and Highways. The Parish Council’s application to the Staffordshire Safer Road Partnership for funding to install a Speed Indicator Device has been successful. Discussions are underway with Staffordshire County Council Highways and it is hoped options will be brought to the September or October meeting for final approval.
The damaged bollards on the buildout outside the Church have been replaced. The bollards on the buildout outside the Roebuck are awaiting scheduling by SCC Highways.
10. Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village.
The Parish Council was saddened to report the bench on the Village Green has been stolen. This bench was gifted by the WI and had ‘WI 1992’ carved into the back panel. A replacement bench is estimated to cost between £300 and £400. Clerk to obtain costings to bring to the next meeting for approval.
A discussion was held regarding the proposed tree planting for the seven fallen soldiers from WW1. Resolved to progress with the tree planting project, provisionally planned for the last Sunday in October. To seek involvement from the local community and church. The Clerk has been made aware of a potential anonymous donation towards the project. Information to be included in the Parish Magazine.
The overgrown vegetation on footpath 14 remains cause for concern, although some sections have been cut back. Clerk to send another letter to the homeowners.
The hedge bordering Priory Cottage remains overgrown and is preventing safe use of the pavement. Clerk to send another letter to the homeowners.
The hedge along Cresswell Road has become overgrown and is causing an obstruction. Clerk to write to the homeowners.
The Parish Council noted the invitation to the BKV Presentation evening in August. No one is able to attend this year. Clerk to respond.
11. Village Events. The Hilderstone Village Fair went well despite the awful weather and the need to move the event inside Hilderstone Village Hall.
Forthcoming Events:
Hilderstone Open Gardens, Saturday 10th August
Hilderstone Harvest Supper, Tuesday 17th September, 7pm for 7:30, Hilderstone Village Hall
Hilderstone Village Christmas Party, Tuesday 17th December. More details to follow.
12. Correspondence.
• Children’s summer activities – Rowley Park – to be displayed on Village Hall noticeboard and in the Phone Box
• Thanks were received from the Stone Lions Club for the donation.
• Rural Survey – The Parish Council do not hold the required information. Clerk to respond.
• Polling district review – for information
• Email from local resident regarding getting involved with local volunteering. Clerk to respond.
• Members Digest 257
Members’ Digest 256 pp6.32-6.33 An illegal scrap dealer from Stafford has been ordered to pay fines and costs totalling more than £1000 after collecting metal without a licence.
The Borough Council said residents can ask for an instant waste validation check through the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 or online at https:/ waste
Stafford Borough Council have teamed up with a dog charity called The Dog’s Trust to tackle the issue of dogs left in cars this summer. Posters and leaflets are displayed around council run car parks and parking officers will be checking for dogs left alone in vehicles. Any incidents will be reported to the RSPCA or police if necessary. For more information visit https:/
13. Finance. The monthly accounts were presented and signed by the Chairman. The current account is £12,520.30 in credit and the deposit account £3127.18 in credit. Although most of these funds are allocated as indicated by the monthly accounts which are circulated to all Councillors prior to each meeting. The following payments were approved:
1. Clerk expenses and admin – £177.19
2. Information Commissioners Office Registration – £35
14. Any Other Business. The Chairman visited Green Lea School to congratulate the pupils on their fabulous poster designs for the Best Kept Village competition, and to present the prize for the winning poster.
The water leak outside Mount Nurseries at the Fulford crossroads was discussed and will be reported again. This falls outside the Parish boundary but remains cause for concern.
Some of the posters in the notice boards are looking faded and in need of replacement. Cllr. Stringer to review and notify the clerk of required replacements.
Concern was raised regarding car parking by the Meadows.
Cllr. J Davies informed the meeting that the annual ‘Stone by the Sea’ event begins on the 7th August.
15. Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September 2019 at 7:30pm. The meeting closed at 9.35pm
………………………………………………… Cllr. M. Shelley, Chairman. 25.09.19