Parish Council 24 April 2019
Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 24th April 2019 at 7.30pm
Village Hall, Hilderstone
- Chairman’s Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting
- Matters arising
- Public Participation
- Borough Councillor’s Report
- County Councillor’s Report
- Planning
- Traffic and Highways
- Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village
- Village Events
- Correspondence
- Finance
- Appointment of the Internal Auditor
- Approval of Certificate of Exemption.
- Date of next meeting – 22nd May 2019
Hilderstone Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th April 2019 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr. Shelley (Chairman), Cllr. Stringer (Vice Chairman), Cllr. P Davies, Cllr. Clark, Cllr. J Davies, Cllr. Woodward and Mrs Amanda Kingston (Clerk). There were no members of the public or press present.
1. Chairman’s Welcome. Cllr. Shelley welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies. Stafford Borough Cllr. Harp
3. Minutes of the last meeting. These were read, amended, approved and signed.
4. Matters arising. Cllr. J Davies reported that Stone Town Council had not yet received a reply from Stafford Borough Council regarding the planning questions submitted to them.
5. Public Participation. None
6. Borough Councillor’s Report. Cllr. Harp was not in attendance to provide a report.
7. County Councillor’s Report. Cllr. Parry was not in attendance to provide a report.
Councillor Crump joined the Meeting at 7:50
8. Planning. Planning application 19/30438/HOU BankTop Barn Cresswell Road Hilderstone Stone Staffordshire ST15 8RF. Single storey rear extension to existing dwelling. Resolved Clerk to feedback that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.
Status of Earlier Applications:
18/29577/HOU Netherfield 7 Barnes Croft Hilderstone. Conversion of loft space in existing garage to habitable room with toilet facilities plus four roof lights. Re siting existing garden wall to edge of homeowner boundary, retaining existing grassed service strip. Appeal to Secretary of State following refusal of planning permission by SBC
9. Traffic and Highways. The Clerk is completing a funding application to the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership to replace the faulty vehicle activated sign on the Sandon Road on entry to Hilderstone. Following consideration of three quotes it was Resolved the Clerk apply for £2280 plus on costs. The preferred option would be mains powered. Clerk to work with Councillor Parry to seek approval from SCC Highways. If mains power is not permissible, the application will fund a battery operated unit but the location would need to change to enable the safe changing of batteries.
The faded road markings at the junction of the B5066 have not been re-painted. The Clerk will follow up.
10. Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village. The overgrown Pyracantha shrub remains cause for concern.
The barbed wire on Footpath 11 at the top of Dingle Lane has been removed.
Dog fouling in the Barnes Croft/ Brempton Croft area remains a cause for concern. The lamppost stickers that remind people of the potential of a £100 fine, are now available and will shortly be displayed in the area. There have also been recent incidents along footpath 10 from Cotwalton Lane. Dog fouling can pose a threat to farm animals and other wildlife. A reminder of how to report incidents will be published in the parish magazine.
Weston Ground Maintenance have cleared the verges and it was agreed they be asked to come back week beginning 1st June to keep the village looking tidy for the Best Kept Village competition.
Pupils from Green Lea school will be entering both the poster and poetry competitions for Best Kept Village.
11. Village Events. The jumble sale was extremely successful raising £146.00. The Village Market was a little quiet most likely due to being held on Mothering Sunday. It is hoped future markets will achieve better attendance.
Forthcoming Events:
Annual Village Dinner Party Saturday 11th May at 7 for 7:30pm in Hilderstone Village Hall.
Valuation Afternoon Wednesday 15th May at 3pm to 5pm in Hilderstone Village Hall. Bring your antiques and collectables for valuation £1 per item (maximum 3 items).
Children’s Party, Saturday 22nd June 6pm to 8pm in Hilderstone Village Hall.
Hilderstone Village Fair, Saturday 20th July 2pm to 4pm.
Hilderstone Village Christmas Party, Tuesday 17th December. More details to follow.
12. Correspondence.
• Thank you letter from Fulford & District Community First Responders.
• Invitation to SBC Annual Council and Mayor Making Ceremony – Saturday 18th May 2019
• Request to publicise fundraising event on the 18th May by Stone Lions Club
• BHIB Insurance Renewal
• SPCA Chairmanship Skills Training – Wednesday 12th June
• SPCA Local Councillor Training courses – May/June
• Elections – notifications
• Mazars – Local Council’s Audit
• Merchant Navy Day – 3rd September
• Members digest 253 and 254
13. Finance. The monthly accounts were presented and signed by the Chairman. The current account is £9,796.62 in credit and the deposit account £3125.62 in credit. Although most of these funds are allocated as indicated by the monthly accounts which are circulated to all Councillors prior to each meeting. The following payments were approved:
1. Clerk additional hours and expenses – £175.54
2. SPCA/NALC Annual Subscription 2019/20 – £192.00
3. BHIB Insurance Renewal – £219.45
4. W H Holmes Village Maintenance – 112.50
Resolved to appoint Christine Heelis as internal auditor for year end March 2019.
Resolved to formally approve the clerk’s monthly salary at £214.74 for 2019/20 based on the NJC pay agreement applicable from the 1st April 2019.
Resolved for the Chairman to sign the minutes from the closed section of the meeting held on Wednesday 25th July 2018 which were formally approved but not signed at the following meeting.
Resolved for the Clerk to become a signatory on the Parish Council bank account. This will enable the Clerk to establish online banking and have access to real time information regarding the Parish Council bank account. The Clerk will not have permission to sign cheques as per the finance regulations.
The Clerk had not had time to fully research laptop options. This will be brought to the next meeting.
14. Any Other Business. The Clerk informed the meeting that there will be no poll on May 2nd for the Parish Council in Hilderstone. All those submitting a valid nomination form are duly elected to the Parish Council and formally take up office on the 7th May. The Clerk reminded all councillors that their declaration of expenses forms must be submitted by the 31st May.
The Clerk asked permission to publish an agenda each month, rather than rely on the standing agenda on the website. Whilst the format will not change significantly from month to month, it is important all items requiring a decision are clearly shown on the agenda. Sometimes generic headings to not provide enough information for the public. Resolved to publish an agenda monthly. Clerk to liaise with the website co-ordinator to take this forward.
15. Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 7:30pm. The meeting closed at 9.05pm
………………………………………………… Cllr. M. Shelley, Chairman. 24.04.19