Parish Council 22 January 2020
Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7.30pm
Village Hall, Hilderstone
- Chairman’s Welcome
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting
- Matters arising
- Public Participation
- Borough Councillor’s Report
- County Councillor’s Report
- Planning
- Traffic and Highways
- Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village
- To consider implementing a tree planting programme
- Village Events
- Correspondence
- Finance
- To approve the monthly statement of accounts and payments
- Website – to agree some key points regarding the set up of the new website.
- To receive and sign for the new Register of Electors.
- Date of next meeting – 26th February 2020
Hilderstone Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at 7:30pm
Present: Cllr. Shelley (Chairman), Cllr. Stringer (Vice Chairman), Cllr. Woodward, Cllr. Crump, Cllr. J Davies, Cllr. P Davies, Stafford Borough Cllr. Harp and Mrs Amanda Kingston (Clerk).
There were two members of the public present.
1. Chairman’s Welcome. Cllr. Shelley welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies. Cllr. Clark,
3. Minutes of the last meeting. These were read, approved and signed.
4. Matters arising. None.
5. Public Participation. Concern was raised regarding the speed of traffic at Eastholme and a request for the vehicle activated sign to be replaced. The Parish Council have secured funding to replace the faulty vehicle activated sign but agreement is needed from Staffordshire County Council Highways, Amey and Western Power. Clerk to provide contact details for Staffordshire County Council Highways.
The Parish Council were asked if they can help ensure Stafford and Rural Homes complete a recently approved driveway conversion.
6. Borough Councillor’s Report. The Stafford Borough Council Local Plan 2020-2040 Issues and Options consultation will take place at 6:30 on Monday 10th February
7. County Councillor’s Report. Cllr. Parry was not in attendance to provide a report.
8. Planning. None.
Status of Earlier Applications:
19/31069/HOU at 7 Eastholme, Sandon Road, Hilderstone. ST15 8SE. Double width vehicle hard standing to front garden. Extend existing width of dropped curb to 2.75m Allowed.
18/29729/FUL at Land at Former Bird In Hand Car Park, Cresswell Road, Hilderstone – the carport has been lowered.
9. Traffic and Highways. Some gully cleaning has been completed within the parish. It is hoped more will be undertaken next week.
The meeting date between SCC, Amey, Western Power and the Parish Council to discuss the viability of the Speed Indicator Device is still to be agreed. The Clerk has now requested the assistance of County Cllr. Ian Parry.
10. Footpaths/Village Maintenance/Best Kept Village. There are four stiles on local footpaths in need of repair and maintenance, these are on footpaths 12, 16 and 19. They have been reported to Staffordshire Rights of Way.
Possible tree planting locations were discussed. It was agreed further exploration is required before any action regarding permissions to plant can be undertaken. This item will be deferred to the next meeting.
A number of dates have been circulated by the Community Foundation for Staffordshire for Best Kept Village Roadshows. Cllr. Stringer will attend on Tuesday 4th February.
11. Village Events. The Christmas Party and Christmas Concert both went well and were well attended.
Forthcoming Events:
Village Jumble Sale, Saturday 18th April from 2pm. Donations received from 10am.
12. Correspondence.
• Dates have been circulated for the Stone Area Parish Liaison Group
• SPCA Local Councillor Training Course – 12th February
• Stafford Brough Council Litfest 2020 – 18th April at the Gatehouse Theatre
• Blocked Gully report from a local resident
• Road Traffic Order notification
• Members Digest 262
13. Finance. The monthly accounts were presented and signed by the Chairman. The current account is £16.063.21 in credit and the deposit account £3130.37 in credit. Although most of these funds are allocated as indicated by the monthly accounts which are circulated to all Councillors prior to each meeting. The following payments were approved:
1. Reimbursement for the tree for Remembrance – £36.18
2. Admin and Clerk expenses – £18.00
3. Village Maintenance – £64.50
4. Councillor reimbursement for Printer Ink – £21.96
14. Any Other Business. A discussion was held regarding the set up of the new website.
It was agreed to move the May meeting to the 20th May to avoid a meeting clash that would prevent some Councillors from attending.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd April at 7pm. The Parish Council meeting will follow at 7:30pm.
Clerk to circulate minutes of the Stone Area Parish Liaison meetings.
15. Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 26th February 2020 at 7:30pm. The meeting closed at 9.45pm
………………………………………………… Cllr. M. Shelley, Chairman. 26.02.20